Lifetime Fundraising Total: $15,316
Want to donate to my Fossey Fundraiser page? Click HERE!
(includes t-shirt sales, direct donations, Gorilla Gala proceeds, and various fundraisers such as #GorillaPie & #GorillaToy)
What's New?
Our goal is to raise $1,500 to help endangered GORILLAS and we would love your help!
Fundraising total as of 6/2: $2,500!!
While we are disappointed that this year’s Gorilla Gala couldn't go on as planned, we thought that a virtual event would be great in its own way! For one thing, my mission with the Gorilla Gala has always been to create a fun, informative event for kids and their families, so I think we can still made that happen! Here's what the event looked like.
First, we thanked YOU! Our supporters!
Then we announced the winners of our Gift Card Drawings (Winners have all been contacted by email, Facebook or instagram: Sharon Cottrell, Kathryn Cliff, Tate Williams, Bertha Montes de Oca, Ronald Nizeyimana
Shared the video challenge results (see below)
Debuted our cause video (again-see below!)
All proceeds will be donated to The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund and The Ellen Fund
Thank you to the following companies, organizations and individuals for donating to our online auction:
Bria Neff, Faces of the Endangered
David Singer
Leighann O'Connor, My Intent Leighann
Katherine Applegate, author of The One and Only Ivan
#GORILLAToy Fundraiser

I am so excited about the launch of this new fundraiser, kicking off on my 12th birthday! I am getting to make enrichment toys for the primates at National Zoo and raise money for the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International! So, helping gorillas in zoos and in the wild!
I will make the toys (see the photos) to be presented to our local gorillas. For every $50 donated, a new toy will be created. Donations in any amount for $1.00 to $5 million can be made through my special donation button at www.dczoowalks.com. The $50 target will be cumulative. I am also accepting donations of used (or new) t-shirts, the material being used for the toys. Shirts can be sent to:
Brandon Barrett, IQVIA, 1801 Rockville Pike, Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20852.
The fundraiser has closed!
$2,630 will be donated to The Fossey Fund
and 52 Rope Toys will be made for the National Zoo's gorillas!
And in case you don't know about the awesome folks at DC Zoo Walks, check them out! All money has been forwarded to the Fossey Fund in my name.

Beautiful Iris took her rope toy up high so as not to be bothered!

Redd had to play keep away from mom!

Listening to the gorilla keeper.

Beautiful Iris took her rope toy up high so as not to be bothered!
Photos courtesy of Karie Kirkpatrick and DC Zoo Walks
#WorldGorillaDay 2019
As many of you know, one of Addy’s first Gorilla Heroes initiatives was her #GorillaPie Challenge. She got pied so many times she swore off whipped cream for a LONG time. But in honor of #WorldGorillaDay on September 24, she’s bringing it back...but with a new twist! Everyone who donated $5 or more to Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International got to suggest a topping/mix-in! Our goal was $100 but we surpassed that in the first 24 hours! So, we upped the ante and eventually raised enough money ($690!!!) so that the entire family plus a few special guests got pied!
In the News and other cool links
Faces Magazine, January 2019
WAKA Blog, November 2018 (page no longer available due to the passing of the blogger, Philip Martin)
Fox 5 DC Pay It Forward, June 2018
The Germantown Pulse, May 2018
National Geographic Kids, March 2019
"Animals to the Max" Podcast with Corbin Maxey, May 2019
Appears in "Let's Go On Safari" by Kate Gilman Williams and Michelle Campbell
Greater Olney News, June 2019
The Ellen Fund Newsletter
The Ellen Fund Community Page
Kate On Conservation Blog, July 2019
Ranger Rick Magazine, September 2019
2019 Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes Winner
Washington Post Kids, September 2019
Forbes.com, September 2019

Resources and Ways to Help
There are many ways you can get involved!
Have a lemonade stand or bake sale and donate the proceeds to your favorite gorilla organization.
Start a Go Bananas! Cell phone recycling program at your school or with your scout troop. You can save the gorillas AND earn money for your organization!
Start a conservation club at your school!
Virtually adopt a gorilla through DFGF and get regular updates on how your gorilla is doing.
Learn more about these other amazing KID CONSERVATIONISTS:
Eight-year-old KATE GILMAN-WILLIAMS traveled on safari and came home determined to save animals from poaching. She and her safari guide, Michelle Campbell, wrote the kids book "Let's Go On Safari" to tell kids how they can become animal advocates. Addy and Kate met on Twitter and became fast friends! The two have been huge supporters of each other--proving that girls need to empower each other, not compete with one another! Find out more about Kate's mission and how to pre-order a copy of "Let's Go On Safari" here!

BELLA LACK is a 15 years old wildlife and conservation advocate. She uses social media to enage with her followers about issues facing animals and the world. Bella is an ambassador for the Born Free Foundation and Pocket Pals App. We connected with Bella on Twitter and even got to have a Skype call with her! Bella got her start in conservation in a similar way to Addy and she gave us lots of awesome advice for future gorilla projects! Find out more about Bella here!

One More Generation (OMG) was founded in 2009 by 8 year old CARTER RIES and 7 year old OLIVIA RIES. Carter and his Sister Olivia are both extremely passionate about animals and conservation. Following the adoption of Cheetahs in South Africa, Carter and Olivia began to question why humans would need to adopt wild animals like the cheetah. Carter and Olivia soon learned of the pressing issues surrounding endangered species, and knew they had to act.
Carter and Olivia started their own nonprofit in an effort to help educate children and adults about the plight of endangered species. Carter and Olivia’s intention is to preserve all species for at least One More Generation… and beyond.
Shortly after starting their organization, Carter and Olivia took action to assist marine wildlife affected by the BP Gulf Oil Spill. After spending four months collecting animal rescue supplies, the two spent five days delivering their supplies and rehabilitating marine wildlife. The two learned first hand that many animals are at risk of extinction due to environmental threats, specifically plastic pollution. Carter and Olivia proceeded to create a Plastic and Recycling Curriculum for elementary school students, launching their first environmental conservation initiative.
Carter and Olivia have since launched additional divisions within OMG designed to empower youth around the world to stand up and help create solutions for the pressing issues of today.
BRIA NEFF created 'Faces of The Endangered' when she was 8 years old. Endangered animals are important to the planet and to people. Bria hopes that her art will inspire people all over the world and show kids they have the power change the world and save animals too. We just need to work together and believe we can accomplish great things. Bria's art has now raised over $65,000 for imperiled species and ecosystems. Learn more about Bria here.

Organizations doing amazing work for gorilla conservation
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
Ellen Degeneres Wildlife Fund
The Gorilla Organization
My Resources
Face to Face with Gorillas (By Michael "Nick" Nicols)
Gorillas (By Seymour Simon)
Gorillas (By Patricia A. Fink Martin)
World Wildlife Fund (wwf.org)